Mixed Traffic Facilities
Mixed traffic facilities are most appropriate on roads with low volumes of traffic operating at low speeds. These facilities are shared between motorists, bicyclists and sometimes pedestrians. The low intensity of motor vehicle traffic allows users to negotiate space in comfort without the need for robust separation.
Bicycle Boulevard
A bicycle boulevard is a low-stress shared roadway bicycle facility, designed to offer priority for bicyclists operating within a roadway shared with motor vehicle traffic.
Yield Roadway
A yield roadway is designed to serve pedestrians, bicyclists, and motor vehicle traffic in the same slow-speed travel area. Yield roadways serve bidirectional motor vehicle traffic without lane markings in the roadway travel area.
Advisory Shoulder
Advisory shoulders create usable shoulders for bicyclists on a roadway that is otherwise too narrow to accommodate one. The shoulder is delineated by pavement marking and optional pavement color. Motorists may only enter the shoulder when no bicyclists are present and must overtake these users with caution due to potential oncoming traffic.
Note: Advisory shoulders are a new treatment type in the United States and no performance data has yet been collected to compare to a substantial body of international experience. In order to install advisory shoulders, an approved Request to Experiment is required as detailed in Section 1A.10 of the MUTCD. FHWA is also accepting requests for experimentation with a similar treatment called “dashed bicycle lanes.”